
Applications for the Dorm1・Dorm2 2022(April) is open.If you are interested in moving in, please read the application guidelines carefully and submit all application documents by the application deadline(Must arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 25.).

【募集要項Application Guidelines】

学生寮(第一寮・第二寮) 2022年度4月期入居者募集要項.pdf

(Application Guidelines for the Dorm1・Dorm2 of Utsunomiya University 2022(April))

【様式 Forms】

入居願(Word) (Application for Residence Form)

別紙様式(入居願添付資料)(Word) (Appended form attached document to “Application for Residence”)

推薦書 (Word) (Recommendation letter from your academic supervisor)

健康診断証明書 (Excel) (Medical Certificate)