Masuyama Scholarship

We are now accepting applications for Masuyama Scholarship for second semester 2023. If you want to apply, ple

Taisei-Kensetsu Scholarship

We are now accepting for Taisei-Kensetsu Scholarship. For the details, please refer to the following website.

Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship

We are now accepting for Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship. For the details, please read the application guideline ca


10/21 13:00~16:00 宇都宮大学国際交流会館前 申し込みは 10/15締め切り

★外国人留学生との防災まちあるき参加者を募集します★ 日時   10/21(土)13:30~16:00 集合場所 国際交流会館前   お申込みは↓のQRコードか こちら(外部リンクとなります) からお申込みくだ

Heiwa Nakajima Scholarship

We are now accepting applications for Heiwa Nakajima Scholarship for 2024. For the details, please read the ap

Masuyama Scholarship

We are now accepting applications for Masuyama Scholarship for first semester 2023. If you want to apply, plea