宇都宮大学 留学生・国際交流センター

We are now accepting applications for SGH Foundation scholarship for 2025.

For the details, please read the application guideline carefully first.

If you want to apply, please submit the application documents to the International office by March 12, 2025.


【How to apply】

(1)Fill out the questionnaire below.


 (2) Submit all application documents in person or by post. (Dead line:March 12, 2025)

Application Guideline(For Undergraduate students and Master’s Program students)

Application Guideline(For Doctor’s Program students)

Application form (For Undergraduate students)

Application form (For Master’s Program students)

Application form(For Doctor’s Program students


[Word File]

Recommendation letter (For Undergraduate students)

Recommendation letter (For Mater’s Program students)

Recommendation letter (For Doctor’s Program students)

Your main research results (for Doctor’s Program students)



350 Mine-machi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, 321-8505 JAPAN

The International Office, Utsunomiya University

※Please ask your supervisor to write a recommendation letter (For Doctor’s Program students, it also includes “About the possibility of obtaining a degree”.

※You do not have to submit academic transcript and certificate of enrollment.

※If there are more applicants than the number we can recommend to the foundation, the university recommends the candidates selected through internal screening process.

The number of recipients is as follows:1student (Undergraduate student) ,1student (Master’s Program student),2students (Doctor’s Program students)