宇都宮大学 留学生・国際交流センター

| MEXT Scholarship

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students are international students who receive a Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship to study in Japan. There are various types of scholarships, including embassy-recommended and university-recommended, undergraduate and postgraduate, and in various fields of study.

For more information click here.

| Scholarship list for Self-Supporting Students

*Here we put application information that must be submitted through Ustunomiya University.

Name of Scholarship FoundationAmount

Amount Eligibility Guidelines

Duration Deadline  Application guideline

The Sakata Agriculture Foundation Scholarship


100,000 yen/month

check the application guidelines


Korean Scholarship Foundation


Undergraduate students: 25,000yen/month

Master’s Program students: 40,000yen/month

Doctor’s Program students: 70,000yen/month


Undergraduate students: 29 or under

Master’s Program students: 39 or under

Doctor’s Program students: 39 or under

This scholarship is for self-financed international students who have a Korean nationality (Refer to the guideline)


1 year2025/4/8https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/13938

The Daiohs Foundation Scholarship 



Check the application guidelines

 *Apply directly to the Foundation


Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation



Check the application guidelines

 *Apply directly to the Foundationhttps://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/13788

SGH Foundation


Undergraduate students and Master’s Program students:120,000yen/month

Doctor’s Program students:180,000yen/month

Undergraduate students:27 or under

Master’s Program students:35 or under

Doctor’s Program students:35 or under

This Scholarship is for self-financed international students who have a South-East Asian nationality (Refer to guideline)

2 years

2025/3/12  https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/13674

Mabuchi International Scholarship Foundation



Check the application guidelines


Masuyama Scholarship

(The 2nd semester, 2024)


Check the application guidelines

Paid as lump sum2025/2/10https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/13559
Taisei Scholarship for international students (JEES Sponsor-Crowned scholarship)150,000yen/month

(1)Undergraduate students, Master’s program students who major Architecture, Civil Engeneering.
(2)Nationality: Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar

(3)Applicants who are  able to have an interviews in Japanese.
(There are other requirements such as financial situation.)

minimum years required for graduation/completion2024/12/3https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/13097
Iwatani Foundation Scholarship150,000yen/month

Check the application guidelines



*Apply directly to the Foundation


Masuyama Scholarship

(The 1st semester,2024)


Check the application guidelines

Paid as lump sum



Korean Scholarship Foundation

Undergraduate students: 25,000yen/month

Master’s Program students: 40,000yen/month

Doctor’s Program students: 70,000yen/month

Check the application guidelines

1 year



Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation (2024)



Check the application guidelines



*Apply directly to the Foundation


Mabuchi International Scholarship Foundation


Check the application guidelines




SGH Foundation


Undergraduate students and Master’s Program students:120,000yen/month

Doctor’s Program students:180,000yen/month

Undergraduate students:26 or under

Master’s Program students:34 or under

Doctor’s Program students:34 or under

This Scholarship is for self-financed international students who have a South-East Asian nationality (Refer to guideline)


2 years


Masuyama Scholarship 

Check the application guidelines

Paid as lump sum


Iwatani Foundation Scholarship150,000yen/month

Check the application guidelines



*Apply directly to the Foundation

Taisei-Kensetsu Scholarship

Check the application guidelines



Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship foundation55,000yen/month

Check the application guidelines




Ito Foundation for International Education Exchange Scholarship



Check the application guidelines



*Apply directly to the Foundation

JASSO Honors Scholarship (Gakushu-shorei-hi)48,000yen/month


Undergraduate (3rd or 4th year) and graduate students (Master’s: 1st or 2nd year, Doctoral: 2nd or 3rd year) who wish to work in Japan after graduation from Utsunomiya Univesrsity
(There are ther requirements suc as grades and language requirements)

6 months (from October 2023 to March 2024)


Heiwa Nakajima Scholarship Check the application guidelines 


Honjo International Scholarship Foundation (Spring 2024)  Check the application guidelines 


*Apply directly to the Foundation

Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
The applicant must be a self-supporting  student who will be enrolled in the third or fourth year of an undergraduate course, or the first or second year of a master’s course, or the second or third year of a doctoral course in April 2024, and who were born on or after 2 April 1979.
(2) Those who can fill out the application form and have an interview in Japanese.
2 years2023/9/22https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/9005
JGC-S SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION300,000yen/yearThe applicant shall be self-supporting student majoring in science and technologyPaid as lump sum2023/5/24https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/8981
Atsumi Internatonal Foundation250,000yen/monthCheck the application guidelines1 year (April 2024 – March 2025 or September 2024 – August 2025)


*Apply directly to the Foundation

KDDI Foundation


(1) Self-supporting students who have the nationality pf the target country (see application guidelines), are enrolled as a regular student in a master’s or doctoral program at Utsunomiya University at the time of application and throughout the grant period, and are under 35 years old as of April 1, 2024.

(2) Those who are engaged in research on information and communications or related matters in the fields of law, politics, economics, society, culture, and technology

6 months or 1 year2023/7/18https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/8234
 JEES International Student Scholarship (Target Countries)


Self-supporting students from target countries (see the application guideline) who are currently enrolled or will be enrolled in October 2023 as a regular student or an exchange student, and who will receive the scholarship for at least one academic year.
(There are other requirements such as financial status.)

 Up to 2 years from April 2023 or October 2023 2023/5/24 https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/8130
JEES International Student Scholarship (Shugaku)


Self-supporting students who are enrolled as a regular student in their second or higher year of undergraduate studies, or in a master’s or doctoral program in April 2023, and who will receive the scholarship for at least one academic year from April 2023.
(There are other requirements such as grades and financial status.)

Up to 2 years from April 20232023/5/24https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/8066
JEES・Ishibashi Scholarship Foundation


Privately financed international students from abroad who enroll in the master’s program or doctor’s program for AY2023 and whose major is art history

Up to 2 years from October 20232023/6/2https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7875
Nagasaka International Scholarship Foundation


Sophomore, junior, or senior students from ASEAN countries

1 year2023/4/25https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7794
Kokudo Scholarship Foundation


Degree-seeking students (undergraduate or graduate)

Until the end of final academic year2023/4/28https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7723
JASSO Honors Scholarship (Gakushu-shorei-hi)


Undergraduate (3rd or 4th year) and graduate students (Master’s: 1st or 2nd year, Doctoral: 2nd or 3rd year) who wish to work in Japan after graduation from Utsunomiya Univesrsity
(There are ther requirements suc as grades and language requirements)

1 year2023/4/21https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7653
Ashigin International Foundation Scholarship


Students from developing countries

Paid as lump sum2023/4/24https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7467
Korean Scholarship Foundation

Undergraduate students: 25,000yen/month

Master’s Program students: 40,000yen/month

Doctor’s Program students: 70,000yen/month

Undergraduate students: 29 or under

Master’s Program students: 39 or under

Doctor’s Program students: 39 or under

This scholarship is for self-financed international students who have a Korean nationality (Refer to the guideline)

1 year2023/4/10https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/7289
JEES・Docomo International Student Scholarship

Master’s Program  (1st year) :120,000yen/month

Research Field: Communication and data analysis research, including Humanities

Country: India, Indonesia, South Korea, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, China (including Hong Kong, Macau), Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Philippines, Bhutan, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Maldives, Mongolia, Laos

2 years2023/5/8https://intl.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/6930
Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation ※for spring

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Self-supporting students who are from the target countries (see application guidelines), will have received the scholarship for at least one academic year. (Those who are in their first year of undergraduate  cannnot apply), and have Japanese language skills that will not interfere with their studies or research.
(There are other requirements such as financial situation.)
2 years2022/12/23 
Taisei Scholarshipfor international studesnts(JEES Sponsor-Crowned scholarship)150,000yen/month

(1)Undergraduate students,Master’s program students who major Artitecture,Civil Engeneering.
(2)Nationality:Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar

(3)Applicants who are  able to have an interviews in Japanese.
(There are other requirements such as financial situation.)

minimum years required for graduation/completion2022/11/11 
HEIWA NAKAJIMA FOUNDATION100,000yen/monthThe applicant must be a self-supporting student who will be enrolled in legitimate program at the same university in April 2023 as at the time of application.1 year2022/10/7 
Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation ※for fall

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Self-supporting students who are from the target countries (see application guidelines),  will have received the scholarship for at least one academic year.(Those who are in their first year of undergraduate  cannnot apply), and have Japanese language skills that will not interfere with their studies or research.
(There are other requirements such as financial situation.)
2 years2022/7/18