宇都宮大学 留学生・国際交流センター

| MEXT Scholarship For 2025 Research students (University Recommendation)〔Special Selection〕

The Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity at Utsunomiya University has been selected as a special program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Japanese government. Therefore, we are starting accepting applications for international students (research students) to receive education and research guidance related to Optics and Bio Design Program at the Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity as follows.

| Application Guidelines, etc.

Program Title: オプティクス国際イノベーション人材育成プログラム

【Annoucements, etc. from MEXT to each university】

《Reference》Announcement from MEXT to each university(*Japanese version

《Reference》Announcement from MEXT to each university(*English version
《Reference》Notes from MEXT to each university(*Japanese version only
《Reference》Language Requirements for applicants for MEXT scholarship(University Recommendation) (*Japanese version only

| Application Process

1.Check if you are eligible to apply.
Use “Academic performance coefficient calculation sheet,” “Pre-application check sheet for MEXT scholarship for AY2025(special selection)” and “2025Application Guidelines(special selection)” to confirm that your academic performance coefficient is 2.30 or higher, that you meet the language requirements in both Japanese and English, and that you meet other application requirements.

2.Please contact the Optics Education and Research Center.
Email:  core@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp
